4 ways in which POS Design Shapes In-Store Buying Decisions

In the world of retail, the art of persuasion plays a big role in influencing consumer choices. More than 60 percent of the buying decisions are made in-store. For those entering the wonderful world of POS solutions, here are some practical tips & tricks on how to improve visibility and reinforce your brand.

1: The power of visual appeal

Well-designed POS materials have visual elements that are well thought out:

Color Psychology: Colors evoke specific emotions and associations. For example, red can signify excitement, while green conveys freshness and health.

Imagery: Well chosen images create a connection with your brand. Pictures of happy people using a product, for instance, can trigger a consumer’s desire to experience similar happiness. Together with colors, imagery helps to attract customers towards your point of sale materials from a distance in the store.

Layout and Composition: The arrangement of elements within a POS display can subtly guide the consumer’s eye and attention.

Tip: A good point of sale display is attractive but doesn’t interfere with the attention your products deserve. It’s for example a good idea to place your most beloved products at eye-level (in-store eye-level is defined as being between 1.2 and 1.5m).

2: Building trust and credibility

Trust is an important factor of any buying decision. Effective POS materials help solidify the trust-relationship you have with your consumers:

Typography: The choice of fonts can convey professionalism and trustworthiness. Legible, clean fonts can instill confidence in the product or brand. For instance: Arial, Helvetica or new Roman.

Consistency: Consistent branding across all POS materials reinforces reliability and recognition. Shoppers are more likely to trust a brand they recognize. Example: The consistent use of fonts, colours and imagery for your POS campaign.

Testimonials and Reviews: Positive customer testimonials can provide social proof and encourage purchase. Tip: Encourage your customers to actively share their opinion about your product at the start of a new campaign. And provide a way to easily do this (e.g. your products’ website or social media).

3: A feeling of exclusivity

Limited-Time Offers: Time-sensitive promotions, when communicated effectively through POS materials, create a sense of urgency. Shoppers fear missing out on a good deal. For example: When you have only one week to buy your favourite product with 30 percent discount, you might buy a big amount!

Limited edition: Informing customers of a limited stock of a unique product can prompt quicker decision-making. It taps into the excitement of something special and the fear of losing out on a product altogether.  Such as a limited edition of your favourite video game or drink.

4: Emotional connection

Effective storytelling through POS materials evokes feelings:

Narrative Elements: Storytelling about the brand’s history, values, or the journey of a product can connect with customers on a personal level. How is the product made and for which purpose? Your POS design could contain a QR code that leads to your products’ story.

Emotional Imagery: Pictures that resonate with consumers’ emotions, such as family gatherings or personal achievements, can form positive associations with your brand.

If you’d like to know more or are interested in our POS materials, contact us here.